Delegation Request Form

This form is required to be submitted by individuals requesting to appear at an upcoming Council/General Committee Meeting.

Delegation Guidelines

  • All delegate presentations shall not exceed 10 minutes in length including requests for multiple topics. However, the length of time may be limited by the Chair if a large volume of individuals is expected to speak to the item.
  • Remarks are to be concise. Discussion on topics, other than the subject matter of the delegation request, will not be permitted. If a delegate submits multiple requests for the same meeting consideration will be given in consultation with the City Clerk and Mayor.
  • Personal attacks or inappropriate language will not be tolerated. The City reserves the right to curtail delegations for disorder or breach of the Procedural By-law.
  • Where possible, it is requested that one spokesperson represent the similar interests of a group of delegates.
  • A written copy of the presentation and/or summary of remarks must be submitted to the City Clerk no later than 4:00 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to the meeting. This allows for any clarification and/or follow-up that may be required.
Fill out my online form.