Lottery Licences

Our staff is here to help your organization become eligible for lottery licensing, an instrumental means of fundraising for many charitable purposes benefitting the local community.

Did you know?

  • Lotteries for non-profit and charitable organizations must be licensed.
  • Activities are regulated by the Criminal Code of Canada, Section 206 and 207, Order-in-Council, and the Gaming Control Act, 1992.
  • It is illegal to print tickets, promote, or conduct a charitable gaming event without a licence.

To be eligible for lottery licensing, the applicant must qualify as a charitable, religious, or non-profit organization. The qualifications are as follows:

  • relief of poverty
  • advancement of education
  • advancement of religion
  • charitable purposes beneficial to the community, not falling under any of the three points above

Eligibility guidelines

To determine eligibility, the organization must supply the following documentation:

  1. A copy of letters of incorporation, charitable registration, or constitution and/or by-laws.
  2. A copy of its budget for the preceding and coming years.
  3. A completed application for licensing eligibility.
  4. A list of the board of directors.

An organization must exist for at least one year before being eligible for lottery licences. Visit the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for Lottery licence terms and conditions

Lottery licence fees

As set by the province, the licence fee is based on three per cent of the prize value for the raffle, break-open ticket, and regular bingo lotteries. The licence fee for bingo in a pooling hall is $100 per event. There is a minimum licence fee of $15.

Use of proceeds

Proceeds from lottery events must be used for the approved eligible purposes identified in the organization’s application.

Lottery reports

All organizations must submit a financial report after the event. You must file the report for break-open ticket, raffle, and bazaar lotteries within 30 days of the event. Individual bingo lottery reports must be filed within 15 days of the event. Bingo reports from a pooling hall must be filed monthly.

Where to apply for a lottery licence

To apply for lottery licences, please complete the application for licensing eligibility and the appropriate lottery application (bingo, break-open ticket, raffle, or bazaar). All application forms are available at City Hall in the City Clerks department.

Lottery licences issued at City Hall

Raffle lottery

Break-open tickets

Instant win lottery tickets are commonly called pull tab, Nevada, or break-open tickets.

Bingo lottery

Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario