Accountability and Transparency

As of January 1, 2016, the Ontario Ombudsman can take general complaints about the province’s 444 municipalities and complaints about closed municipal meetings, which were added to the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction in 2008.

Please note the following when considering filing a complaint:

  • The office of the Ombudsman is considered the last resort for individuals who have tried resolving their concerns within the government body.
  • Suppose, for any reason, you do not wish to handle your concern by using the internal mechanisms offered, you have questions about the form supplied on this website, or have general questions about this process once a complaint is filed. In that case, additional information is available at

Many accountability and transparency policy ingredients already reside in the Procedural by-law of Council. As well, other provisions in Section 270 of the Municipal Act require a municipality to have policies of accountability and transparency for:

  • sale and disposition of land
  • hiring employees
  • procurement of goods and services
  • delegation of its powers and duties
  • circumstances for providing notice to the public and, if notice is provided, the form, manner, and times it is given

These by-laws and policies represent accountability and transparency for the City of Welland. This does not preclude that other Welland by-laws and policies do not contain provisions for accountability and transparency. Council, its committees, and City employees must adhere to the policy of accountability and transparency and continually monitor and enhance its stated purpose.

If you require additional information, please contact the City Clerks department.